Thursday, January 13, 2005

Iron On Metal Transfer

mind talker @ 2005-01-13T13: 59:00

üüübürigens. the trip was vor.gestern. and she was. exhausting. only the distribution in the bus was already obvious: drivers, teachers, the good people ..... the toilet .... the party faction. just such a party faction already packed by 8 clock 10 Your alkoholitäten out and drank until the hucke crashed. 8uhr50 to just such party faction then the first wanted to this went on and by 10.30am we were there and everything as I separated sofort.was human toll was very good. because we were undisturbed by "hahaaa TIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTEN" or similar claims and try ottos everything. and we stayed longer than one. that is, our meeting place was in the middle 12uhr45. we came to 13uhr05, and it was all gone. and all I mean .... the party faction. course. So we are again looking up here looked a little something there and then are (!) with class teachers, who incidentally was at 13uhr00 there and had caught no one in a cafe. far away from määäändiiiis swickkkkaaaaaooo and kriiiiisssstiiieeens are just too bad. and it became a beschaulisches sit together! the bus ride back again with just the same order with names we all left because the party was already in the fractional alkoholdelirium and said no more sound. that was my day! and today it came to this and what to say. it sounds great great great! People bought Mojave 3 and gone and I'm out here adios


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