I know what I like in Northern Germany (and the South of England). Mountains are just not for me. I like to look far - Quote Papa: "Up to China, where the curvature of the earth would not use so early" - and besides, my emotional life has roller coaster enough.
On a day like today, which began with a strenuous, grumpy up, ending with ice to a David Jordan's Sun Goes Down "through the kitchen dancing Millie and in between, with many beautiful Moments was full, I would like to complain, however. Now I just need to learn from the outset to assume that my day is so.
Behind me is one of the most beautiful math lessons my small, manageable career. But she was still so beautiful that that's saying something. We just
Book Week with the theme "Stories from other countries" and Year 2 are working with the book "Handa's Surprise" (beautifully illustrated) and travel daily to Africa.
Like today. We counted on Egyptian hieroglyphics, and learned to count in Swahili to 10, by reading a (much more beautiful illustiertes) point and even a Zählbuch created.
Mrs. W., who represented today Mrs C in her class, four times as wide as me, has enormous breasts and a rather intimidating presence was with me in advance for a ... slightly nervous feeling taken care of.
the phrase that took my face (and for the rest of the day kept), when this woman after the hour with a "That was good, Lena - very good." turned to me, can you imagine it.
"You can also just enchanted dragon." My Lina. No one finds beautiful words as my favorite dragon.
Except maybe Sam if he runs naked down the hall and "naked, naked, naked" screams. But this is a another chapter.
Finally: Yesterday was the Verkleidungstag our Book Week, and I was, like many others, from Africa. With Kerry's skirt and shirt, Heather's gown and chain and Mrs C's headscarf.
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