My bonnie lassie..
It was beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, and I can think of a thousand words, a thousand pictures and so much more, but really it makes wonderful (wonderful wonderful wonderful) beautiful pretty accurate.
The landscape, the woman who almost, but unfortunately not quite endless hours of togetherness. If you want to know how everyday life in rural Scotland looks like in place Lenchens diary a fairly accurate description, and many of the things that she has reported in recent months have impressed me as much amazed, amused, as she did. Really great, I also found the phone book too, Cairn: Seven or eight zusammengetackerte A4 pages with name, name of the house and three-digit phone number.
A life so completely without anonymity can be really refreshing.
And my mouse is anyway. (I think it can mean more or less creative transitions and related income slowly to them today is difficult.)
We had a lot, a lot of sitting comfortably at home, ate lots of delicious things, laughed a lot, much tanked area ... Yes, it was really a lot of nice:)
Back at the Oak Tree daily reported I thrilled with my Scotland Week, which for the most part so do not "dark and thanks", but clear and sunny was - and corrected cheerfully, "he to "to" she ". It is never boring.
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