Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Best Alcohol To Mix With Root Beer

Start the sun ...

sooooo, it's time :-)

The waiting taxi, the driver dragged my bags and I fly toward the sun ;-) I
'll be spoiled by line and thread, divine loll in the sun, drinking cocktails and shopping pleasure ...
And you? You can plow with absolutely modest weather for me, eagerly awaiting my return and then me with gifts and Vouchers welcome.

Yes, I like it ;-)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Casio Digital Portable Tvs

when running .... Back again

then running ;-)

I lean back and just enjoy.

As my leg Adorer the shops for buying me empty ...
How stupid Töhle whines for attention
How my crumb a coupon at a time lays at the feet together and melts like ice in his money while the sun ;-)
As my slave, Which Glue to Paypal ness; brings it and begs for the Cam ... As my
Prof showered me with gifts chic and running ...
How does buy the little nylon bitch to get in my favor ...
And not least of Looser, who just does not free himself from me and my divine little nose ...

Oh yes, I love it :-))