training pact ensures opportunities - even in the economic crisis Pact partners are committed to stability in the training market
The Covenant Partner:
Confederation of German Employers' Associations, Federation of German Industry, German Industry and Commerce, Confederation of German Trade, Association of Liberal Professions, Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Standing Conference and the Federal Employment Agency
Also in 2009, the commitments in the Training Pact. The Pact partners reaffirm the goal of each training, willing and capable of training young people to make an offer to education. The training package adopted in 2009, two special challenges characterize the economic crisis and demographic-related decline in applicants the current situation on the training market. The pact partners will do in the face of these difficult conditions, everything to give young people a sense of vocational training, and encourage the holding, by continuity of the Be-vocational training own generation of skilled workers to secure permanent.
The situation on the training market
The impact of economic crisis and demography on the training market vary by region and sector. Especially in the western states to break away many companies the contracts. As a result, it is not excluded that they form not returned to the level of previous years. In the new countries suffer more from businesses and freelance workers on the other hand the demographic decline due to candidates (15.5 percent fewer graduates in 2009 than last year) and have more problems, its offer Ausbildungspl & # 228; tze to occupy. Overall, many companies hold on despite difficult economic conditions involved in training.
The chances of young people for a training course are currently in crisis, despite the trend as well as in past years. Because the number of candidates - and the "old" - Goes back far more than the number of apprenticeship places.
This shows the available figures to date of the Federal Employment Agency (BA): The number of applicants for training places in May 2009 over the previous year by 14.2 percent, the company offered training places to 5.4 percent decline. In order for the candidate sites ratio is currently even better than in previous years. In May 2009, the number of previously new training contracts in industry, trade and services by 5.7 percent and 9.8 percent in the trades on the previous year.
intensify in the coming months, the Pact partners fgemeinsamen their efforts to implement their goals. The integration of young people in-house vocational training has priority. It also has the potential to 40,000 promised by the economic courts entry for operational qualification (EQ), which have proved in recent years as a successful bridge in education. The BA can support up to 45,000 disadvantaged young people through an external training. Even the federal government and states set their respective promotional programs for non-company Vocational training continues.
More transparency of vacant training places
encourage the Pact partners the young people to apply too much with training places. There are currently many vacant apprenticeships, more attention to in the new states, to the chambers, associations and agencies to work towards point. The industry and commerce and trade chambers apply in so-called weeks of training opportunities open and intensive training courses, thus improving transparency of vacant training places.
Source: Employment Agency